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Above the Clouds

3 Step Rewind Technique

What is the 3 Step Rewind?


The 3 Step Rewind is simple and effective way to gently guide you or your partner through a traumatic experience that you may have encountered in life and to enable you to look forward to the future.

How the 3 Step Rewind technique works?

The 3 Step Rewind technique simply but effectively moves you through your past

traumatic experience.


There are 3 stages to the process.......


                                                                  Stage one- Deep relaxation

                                                                  Stage two- Recalling the event in a specific way whilst                                                                                                           allowing you to still feel safe and secure.

                                                                                               This is done using visualisations

                                                                  Stage three- Imagining the future and how you can                                                                                                                    respond differently to the event. Allowing you                                                                                                    to be able to cope better with the emotion you                                                                                                    feel about the experience.

The 3 Step Rewind technique is very effective.


We aren't look to erase the memory but this technique allows you to shift the feelings towards the trauma or experience which will in turn allow you to move forward

with your life.

What is Birth Trauma?

Woman on Window Sill

Birth trauma can present it's self in may ways. It can come from a single event, or a combination of events that took place during pregnancy, birth, prenatally or postnatally.

Equally birth trauma effects both men and women.

Maybe you feel you were not listened to or treated poorly?


Maybe pregnancy wasn't what you expected it to be like, or your birth experience wasn't what you had planned?


Maybe you are suffering from a pregnancy or birth loss?

Or maybe your experience happened before pregnancy and that is now hindering you wanting to start a family?

What ever your experience or trauma (and the list is extensive) your feeling surrounding the event are all valid.

Some symptoms you may be experiencing :

  • Future plans are having to be put on hold

  • Feeling sad, depressed, guilty, angry or irritable

  • Over whelming feeling of never wanting to go through pregnancy or birth again.

  • Flashbacks/ nightmares or insomnia

  • Panic attacks, anxiety and fear

  • Recurrent thoughts and memories

  • Avoidance of all reminders of the trauma

  • Difficulties in relationships/ friendships and bonding with baby

  • PTSD like symptoms

there all also many more which are not listed. 

The Rewind Sessions themselves

The Rewind is done over 3 sessions which can be done either in person if local to

Wiltshire or via zoom. 

Session one (45 mins- 1hr) -  You have the opportunity to share your story with me if you feel comfortable and only if you wish to. I stress, there is no pressure for you to do this as I am still able to guide you through the process in the same way even without knowing your story.

We will have a chat about your feelings and how you are currently feeling about your experience. Then I will ask you to create a picture in your mind of how you want to feel. How you would like to feel about the experience you have had and how are can see yourself once you feel freer. we will then end with a guided relaxation.

Session Two (1hr)- I will check in with you to see how you have been feeling since our previous session. We will then begin the second part of the technique. 

This is the Rewind part. We begin with the relaxation from the previous session.

This allows your parasympathetic nervous system to soften and relax.

Once you are relaxed I will then guide you through the Rewind which allows you to recall thee event and and process it in a way that allows you to feel safe.

Session Three (15mins- 30mins)- This can be either a phone call or zoom session.  I will see how you have been since our last session.

You may have had time to notice any changes that have taken place since the Rewind happened.

We will then focus on visualising the future and allowing you to build on your confidence and feel more at ease about your previous experience.

How much will the 3 Step Rewind Cost?

I am offering the 3 Step Rewind sessions for £165. 

Whilst I am obviously trying to provide a service for my business if the Rewind Process is something you would like to do but you are unable to afford the whole cost, please do still get in touch with me.

Your trauma and experience is valid and I would hate for you to feel put off trying to move forward in your life because you can not afford the full cost of the sessions. 

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